Kodai Mozarella
Mozarella is one of the most sought after dairy products for its great taste and texture, especially by those who dig melting cheese on their food. While some may perceive this cheese to be unhealthy, there are plenty of benefits of Kodai Mozarella including being a source of Biotin or vitamin B7, Riboflavin or vitamin B2, and Niacin or vitamin B3 that have nutritional, antioxidant, and cholesterol controlling advantages. It also contains Fat Soluble Vitamins like D, E and A that aid calcium absorption, bone health, and cell membrane protection. A high calcium content (183mg per ounce) translates into stronger bones while mozarella is replete with the vital mineral zinc that helps battle skin problems and increases white blood cell count. Kodai Mozarella is also a source of protein and the key mineral potassium that boost muscle strength and lower blood pressure respectively.