Fruitique Store

Grapes Red Chile

Red grapes are earthy, rich, and reminiscent of your favourite wine. Whether you eat them fresh, frozen, juiced or jammed, they will uprotect you against diabetes and keep your cholestrol in check.
Rs. 290.00
Fruitique Store


Blackberries are a great addition to any diet. They are a fairly good source of iron, vitamin C and their powerful antioxidants give them their deep purple colour.
Rs. 750.00
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Fruitique Store

Peach Australia

Peaches are large with a red, velvety and fuzzy skin.Their flesh is tender yet firm with a sweet sometimes slightly tart flavour. Peaches protect against cancer, lower cholestrol and relives one from obesity. They maintain the health of the nervous system, bones, eyes, teeth and skin.
Rs. 500.00
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Fruitique Store

Nectarine Australia

Nectarines have red, yellow, or white flesh and are a source of Vitamin A and C. They are commonly eaten fresh or cooked in jams and pies. They are generally grown in the warmer temperature regions. Nectarines are low in calories and rich in fiber. The nutrients in nectarine fruit offer health benefits in terms of improved metabolism, digestion and heart health.
Rs. 750.00
Fruitique Store

Orange Valencia Eygpt

Tangerines are a popular citrus fruit due to their strong flavour and sweetness. Loaded with vitamin C and A, tangerines are a good dource of dietary fiber. Vitamin C helps your body make collagen which makes our skin appear youthful.
Rs. 99.00
Fruitique Store

Grapefruit South Africa

The grapefruit is a citrus fruit with a flavour that can range from bitter sweet to sour having maximum nutrients and minimum calories. Beacause of their water content, they help to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract. It aids metabolism and weight loss too.
Rs. 135.00
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Fruitique Store

Kiwi Golden New Zealand Zespri

Golden kiwi has a bronze toned with smooth hairless paper thin skin. The taste of the golden kiwi is smoother and sweeter as it is high in natural fructose. They contain about 75% of an adults daily vitamin requirement. The fruit is low in calories hence its no surprise they are popular in diets.
Rs. 300.00
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Fruitique Store

Italian Crimson Red Seedless Grapes

Red seedless grapes are firm,crisp having a sweet with a mild, neutral flavour. They contain significant amount of vitaminns A, C and K and contain flavonoids such as resveratrol which provide high antioxidants qualities that can help boost overall health
Rs. 650.00
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Fruitique Store

Strawberry Netherlands

Strawberries are sweet, bright red berries packed with vitamins, fiber and particurly high level of antioxidants known as polyphenols, strawberries are sodium-free, fat-free and a low calorie food.
Rs. 1,280.00
Fruitique Store

Red current

Red current berries are known as " Superfruits " have bittersweet taste. As they have naturally high antioxidant capacity. They are also a good supply of vitamin C and K, manganese and potassium.
Rs. 750.00
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