Fruitique Store

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are sweet, starchy root vegetables. Sweet potatoes are also naturally packed with vitamin B5, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and carotenoids due to their naturally orange color. They not only contains many nutrients, but it is also packed with medicinal benefits. Scientists have determined that sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anticancer properties.
Rs. 48.00
Fruitique Store


Pumpkin is a nutritious orange vegetable which is low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals, all of which are also in its seeds, leaves, and juices. Containing high amounts of an antioxidant called beta - carotene which gives it , its orange colour . The body converts any ingested beta carotene into vitamin A which reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer , offers protection against asthma and heart disease, among other benefits .
Rs. 45.00
Fruitique Store


Kale is amongst the most nutrient-dense foods in existence. Eating more kale is a great way to dramatically increase the total nutrient content of your diet due to the amounts of vitamins A, K, B6 and C. Calcium, potassium, copper and manganese it contains.
Rs. 105.00
Fruitique Store


Coconuts are large seeds of the coconut palms which grow in tropical climate which are termed as a super food. It is actually a great source of digestion friendly and satiating fiber. They are rich in manganese, which is essential for bone health and metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and cholesterol. It has anti inflammatory properties and itÕs rich in omega 3 fatty acids .
Rs. 50.00
Fruitique Store

Shelled Corn

Corn belongs to the maize family. It not only provides the necessary calories for healthy, dailyÊmetabolismÊbut is also a rich source of vitamins A, B, E, K, and many minerals. Its high dietaryÊfiber content ensures that it plays a significant role in theÊprevention of digestive ailments like constipation. The antioxidants present in itÊalso act as anti-carcinogenic agents and help in preventing AlzheimerÕs disease.Ê
Rs. 110.00
Fruitique Store

Karela (Bitter Gourd)

Karela is hollow in cross section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh surrounding a central seed cavity filled with large flat seeds and pith. Karela manages diabetes, Improves gut health, boosts immunity and protects against cancer.
Rs. 45.00
Sold out
Fruitique Store

Spiny Gourd (Kantola)

Kantola is a small seasonal vegetable covered in tiny spikes that is used in savory preparations. Seasonal vegetables are better because they are harvested during their peak growing season, packing in greater nutritional benefits, and being extra fresh.
Rs. 80.00
Fruitique Store

Red Cabbage

Red cabbage typically is a little smaller and denser than green cabbage, and has a more peppery taste.Red cabbage is a good source of vitamin K and provides small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which can help build and maintain healthy bones. Red cabbage is high in fiber, making it easier to digest foods and keep your digestive system healthy. Being low in calories and high in water content it can also help with weight loss.
Rs. 60.00
Fruitique Store


It has eight times more vitamin C than an orange, twice the antioxidant power of acai berry, and around 17 times that of a pomegranate. The humble Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla, truly deserves its superfood status. It is considered useful for treating many lifestyle issues including hair fall, digestion, and also improving eyesight among others
Rs. 45.00
Fruitique Store

Green Chilli

Green chilli is an important star in Indian cooking. This little spice is not only delicious but also rich in so many vitamins. They come with zero calories infact they speed up ones metabolism as much as 50%. They are loaded with antioxidants that protect the body against free radicalsÊ
Rs. 28.00
Fruitique Store

Edamame imported

Edamame beans are whole, immature Soyabeans, sometimes referred to as vegetable type soyabeans. Edamame beans are naturally gluten free and low in calories, contain no cholestrol, and they are an excellent source of protein, iron and calcium.
Rs. 599.00
Fruitique Store


Drumstick is one of those rare plant species whose seeds, flowers, leaves, and stems are edible and extremely nutritious. It has phytonutrients that help in the prevention of various diseases such as cancer, asthma, high blood pressure, etc. It also improves your immune system.
Rs. 65.00
Fruitique Store

Yellow Zucchini

The yellow zucchini retains the typical zucchini flavor and firm texture, but is slightly sweeter. It does not taste like traditional crook-neck and straight-neck squash, as their texture is a bit softer and flavor is milder.
Rs. 70.00
Fruitique Store

Small Brinjal

Brinjal is actually a fruit, commonly used like a vegetable. Brinjal is beneficial to your health, mainly due to its anti-oxidant and photochemical content
Rs. 48.00
Fruitique Store

Toori (Ridge Gourd)

Its a dark green , ridged and tapering vegetable with white pulp and white seeds embedded in spongy flesh. A ridge gourd is commonly known as Turia or turiya. Since this vegetable is full of moisture and fibre with negligible fat , its a boon for the digestive system at the same time it satiates you for long hours while consuming just a few calories.
Rs. 55.00
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